
Welcome to the website of Professor David Henthorn at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, IN, USA.

For our Data Portal (accessible to RHIT students and faculty only at the moment), click here.

Research and Teaching Interests

Our lab studies:

For more information on our research projects, see Projects and Tools

I also collaborate with individuals on food research, including:

Talks and Lectures

Some recent talks:

  1. Educating the Next Generation on the Challenges of Securing Critical Infrastructure, Purdue CERIAS Seminars, 2021. YouTube Link.
  2. Bridging the Gap: Getting the Dam Engineers and the Flippin’ Cybersecurity People Talking, Circle City Con, 2021.
  3. Illuminating the Dark Data of Critical Infrastructure, InfluxDays EMEA, 2021. Youtube Link.
  4. Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Incident - Panel Discussion with Sid Stamm (CSSE) and Greg Neumann (CHE), Rose-Hulman, 2021.
  5. X-Time Talks: The Science and Engineering of Chocolate, X-Time Lectures, 2021.
  6. Challenges in Securing Critical Infrastructure, Guest lecture for UW Madison Graduate Class on Cybersecurity, 2020.
  7. The Science and Engineering of Chocolate, Rose-Hulman Alumni Talks (with K. Henthorn), 2020. Youtube Link
  8. Digital Transformation of the Unit Operations Lab, AIChE Annual Conference (online), 2020.
  9. Cloud Historians for Online Lab Education, AIChE Education Forum Virtual Community (online), 2020.
  10. Academic Hub and the Unit Operations Lab, PI World (San Francisco, CA), 2019.